
Steam workshop maps not downloading
Steam workshop maps not downloading

steam workshop maps not downloading

This list won't show the Steam Workshop ID number though you will need to click on each one and wait for the workshop page to load in order to see the Steam Workshop ID number for each mod as shown in the picture above. You can also pull up a list of all the mods you've subscribed to, if you enter the Steam Workshop, and click "Browse", then "Subscribed Items", as shown below. Write them down as you subscribe to them in the Workshop.Īn example of where to find the Steam Workshop ID number for each mod is shown in the image below. If you're going to use the automatic workshop download method described below, you will need to note the Steam Workshop ID numbers for each mod you want to install. Let the content download to your Steam installation of Unturned on your local computer. Subscribe to the workshop content normally.

Steam workshop maps not downloading